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MDW Sky Survey DR0 (AAS meeting 243)
MDW Sky Survey DR1 (AAS meeting 245)
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Published papers citing the survey as co-authors
Rapid Postshock Cooling and Pressure-driven Shell-phase Evolution of the Galactic Halo SNR G70.0–21.5
G107.0+9.0: A New Large Optically Bright, Radio and X-Ray Faint Galactic Supernova Remnant in Cepheus
Far UV and Optical Emissions from Three Very Large Supernova Remnants Located at Unusually High Galactic Latitudes
Discovery of a Thirty-Degree Long Ultraviolet Arc in Ursa Major
Discovery of Extensive [O iii] Emission Near M31
October 2019 article in Sky & Telescope
Introducing the MDW Sky Survey (AAS meeting 241)
History and Development of the MDW Sky Survey
Astro Imaging Channel presentation by Sean Walker
Deep Optical Emission-line Images of Nine Known
and Three New Galactic Supernova Remnants
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